WJHS 8th grade volleyball

The Republic-Times Team of the Week is the Waterloo Junior High School eighth grade volleyball team. The Bulldogs defeated Red Bud on Friday to win a regional championship. Waterloo ended its season at 6-5. Pictured with the trophy, front row, from left, are Aubrey Heck, Camille Huckleba, Ellie Zweigert, Phoebe Conley, Hailey Nold, Harlie’Rae Briggance and Maya Woodard; back row: Aiden Dintleman, Ava Hoagland, Alyvia Strong, Kate Lindhorst, Sierra Cissell, Sam Juelfs, Evie Reifschneider, Kristen Smith and Emerson Horvath. Coaches are Katie Esker, Rachelle Weigand and Holly Garrett.


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