What’s Really Important | Mark’s Remarks

No, I don’t usually say a word about politics, basically because I never feel sharp enough to discuss the issues at hand.

I can imagine myself in a debate about politics and see myself saying things like “I don’t know, I just don’t like his looks. I went with my gut feeling,” and things like that.

Should I be better informed?  Sure. I could be accused of being apathetic. Sometimes, I don’t think it’s going to make much of a difference. Our country’s been headed in the wrong direction for a long time. It’s easy to give up hope.

I don’t agree with a bunch of things Hillary Clinton stands for. However, I don’t call her names and I won’t say ugly things about her. I recognize she is a mother and a grandmother, and if the stories are true, she’s a spouse who has dealt with a lot of heartache.  Not knowing her personally, I can’t comment on what type of person she really is. I saw the picture of her meeting up with a hiker in the woods a day after the election and I thought it was a nice picture. She looked very normal and she also looked relieved.

I felt a little sorry for her. I can’t make judgment on someone I’ve never talked to or gotten to know.
Donald Trump made me laugh. He also made me mad, made me shake my head, and made me wonder how in the world he got where he is. I disagree with a lot he says and I certainly think he is highly inappropriate. He needs some tact. I also see he is as frustrated with the state of this country as many of the rest of us. He wants things to change.

I’m going to pray my head off that this guy gets his big mouth under control and that his heart is softened to the citizens of our country. I’m going to pray he picks good advisers that he listens to and I’m going to pray that he prays.

I’m going to pray that Donald Trump reads his Bible and seeks guidance from God. After all, God is still in control. Jesus is still on the throne.

I have a ton of friends who are pro-abortion, pro-Democrat, pro-Hillary Clinton, and pro-everything I don’t believe in. I don’t think we had a great choice in this election, but I made my choice. It’s done.

Did I expect friendships to end due to this silly election?  No. I don’t expect my friends to stop being my friends due to my beliefs or choices, and I certainly hope they know my love for them is still the same as it’s always been. Why did we become friends in the first place?  It certainly wasn’t because we agreed on every single issue or topic.

There was a little drawing posted on Facebook last weekend. It was a couple of stick figures holding hands. It said something like “This is Jane.  This is Joe. Jane voted for Clinton. Joe voted for Trump. They are still friends.”

Yes, he is our president now, like it or not. You can post as many hashtags as you want.  We still have to take care of and love our families, help our fellow man, love our neighbors and friends, and get past our differences. If you don’t like the way things are going, pay attention and don’t put up with any monkey business. But I still think if we were to get on our knees every night, as a nation, and pray that God would bless this country and its leaders, it would make a whole lot of difference.

A very simple and typical thing to say, being a male without much opposition who lives in an affluent community. I know. I can hear the comments now. I’ve got a pretty cushy life compared to the overall majority.

This is why I rarely write or talk about politics. Still, I think we are going to have to focus on moving forward, taking care of one another, and paying attention. I know I need to pay better attention and promise to from here on out.

And let’s not forget. We gotta love each other, too.

Mark Tullis

Mark is a 25-year veteran teacher teaching in Columbia. Originally from Fairfield, Mark is married with four children. He enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with his family, and has been involved in various aspects of professional and community theater for many years and enjoys appearing in local productions. Mark has also written a "slice of life" style column for the Republic-Times since 2007.
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