Wednesday crashes in Columbia

Emergency personnel responded to three separate crashes in and near Columbia on Wednesday.

The first came about 11:40 a.m. on Route 3 southbound at Valmeyer Road and involved a blue Honda Odyssey that went off the roadway and down an embankment. A man in a wheelchair was among the occupants in that crash. The Columbia Fire Department used extrication tools to remove a door on the van. The extent of possible injuries was not immediately known.

The other crash was reported a few minutes later on Route 3 at FF Road near Hope Christian Church. That vehicle was unoccupied upon emergency responder arrival, however, but airbags had deployed inside.

At about 3:35 p.m., Columbia police, fire department and EMS responded to a crash on I-255 southbound at milepost 5.8. A vehicle struck an Illinois Department of Transportation snowplow, but no injuries were reported.

The region received more snowfall overnight following two inches of frozen precipitation late Monday night into Tuesday morning.


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