Waterloo wrestler Bieber finishes season at state

Pat Bieber became the first Waterloo High School wrestler to step foot on a mat at the state tournament, which was held over the weekend. 

Thursday, Illinois Matmen’s No. 9 ranked Bieber defeated unranked opponent Terryon Bradley of Chicago’s Uplift in the preliminaries, 2-1 in overtime.

He faced unranked Colin Carr of Washington in Friday’s state quarterfinals in hopes to advance to Saturday’s semifinals and finals. Carr defeated Bieber, 5-2, in the quarterfinals. In Bieber’s next match on Friday, he faced Chris Giatras of Lemont in the first round of wrestlebacks. Bieber had a fall of 36 seconds.

Both of Bieber’s competitors went on to place second and third place, respectably, at state.

Bieber’s 182 pound weight class bracket:

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