Waterloo sidewalks coming together

Waterloo’s plans to connect its walkways are coming together.

Last week, workers were seen constructing a sidewalk along South Market Street from Route 3 to the entrance of Waterloo High School at Bulldog Boulevard. 

The City of Waterloo recently received $203,000 in state funds for this project.

Waterloo Public Works Director Tim Birk estimates that work on the South Market Street sidewalk project will be completed around the end of August. 

There are no plans at this time to extend the South Market Street sidewalk north from Bulldog Boulevard into downtown Waterloo, Birk said.

This sidewalk will connect to an existing multi-use path along Route 3 from South Market to North Market streets.

In related news, DMC Contracting was approved by the Waterloo City Council last Tuesday night to construct a sidewalk along North Market Street.

The sidewalk will start at Route 3, heading west along HH Road to Market Street, continuing south along Market Street until it connects to an existing sidewalk near the entrance to Taco Bell and Hardees. 

The contract amount for that project was $247,849.70.     

“We expect this project to start in late August or early September,” Birk said. 

These sidewalk projects are part of a plan to make an interconnected loop of walkways throughout the city.

The North Market Street sidewalk addition will connect via crosswalk to an existing sidewalk and multi-use path along Country Club Lane and Rogers Street.

In 2019, the Monroe County Highway Department completed installation of the Country Club Lane sidewalk connecting to Rogers Street.

Corey Saathoff

Corey is the editor of the Republic-Times. He has worked at the newspaper since 2004, and currently resides in Columbia. He is also the principal singer-songwriter and plays guitar in St. Louis area country-rock band The Trophy Mules.
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