Waterloo School Board OKs projects

While the subject of transgender students using the bathrooms at Waterloo High School was by far the biggest topic of conversation at the March 20 Waterloo School Board meeting, the board also covered a number of more typical items on the agenda.

Immediately following public participation, one of the larger cost items concerned the W.J. Zahnow Elementary parking lot project.

After a brief explanation from Waterloo Superintendent of Schools Brian Charron, the board approved the base bid of $718,867.35 from Henke Excavating Inc. in Columbia.

The board also approved a number of contract and pay matters toward the end of the meeting.

Three-year contract extensions were approved for Waterloo High School Principal Lori Costello, Waterloo Junior High School Principal Nicholas Schwartz, Rogers Elementary Principal Brian Smith and Zahnow Elementary Principal Justin Imm, among other members of district administration.

Hourly pay was set for district computer technicians Patrick Toenjes and David Zimmermann at $20 and $16, respectively.

The board also voted to declare a list of district vehicles – specifically a Chevy S-10 according to Charron – as surplus property, further directing Charron to sell to the highest bidder.

Also approved was the renewal of district membership in the Illinois High School Association, Illinois Elementary School Association and Southern Illinois Junior High School Athletic Association for the 2023-24 school year.

A number of resignations were also approved by the board, including special education resource teacher Anna Hogg, social worker Kasey Schultheis and foreign language teacher Natalya Pruitt.

As the public portion of the meeting was held in the auditorium to accommodate the unusually large audience, coordinators, directors and building administrators did not offer comment on their monthly reports.

While the reports didn’t mention anything too unusual, several did make note of preparations being made for upcoming testing.

Andrew Unverferth

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