Waterloo Junior Varsity 2 Football | Team of the Week


Waterloo Junior Varsity 2 youth football

The Republic-Times Team of the Week is the Waterloo Junior Varsity 2 youth football team from the Waterloo Sports Association.

The Bulldogs won the Southwestern Illinois Youth Football Conference championship in their division on Nov. 6 at Waterloo High School, defeating Nashville, 44-7, to complete an undefeated season.

Members of the Waterloo JV 2 team include William Reed, Nathan Stephens, Brady Rose, Bryce Reese, Aidan Morrow, Jacob Reed, Dominic Voegele, Max Mitchell, Luke Bush, Jack Stewart, Evan Davis, Tony Bertram, Oliver Davidson, David Neikirk, Janella Neary, Joseph Kish and Kyle Johnson. Coaches include Tony Morrow, Denny Davis, Billy Bush and James Neary.


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