Waterloo Bulldogs fifth grade boys basketball | Team of the Week

The Republic-Times Team of the Week is the Waterloo Bulldogs fifth grade boys basketball team that plays independent youth hoops in Missouri. The Bulldogs won first place in the CNR Tournament held Dec. 27-29 in St. Peters, Mo. This tournament was an Illinois and Missouri state tournament qualifier. Waterloo’s first place finish and Illinois residency qualified the team for the Illinois State Tournament taking place in March. Pictured, front row, from left, are Jude Latchem, Cashton Glaenzer, Sam Beck and Cannon Hensiek; second row: Coach CJ Cruser, Coach Jason Glaenzer, Caden Kite, Braeden Wallace, Jacob Otten, Easton Propst and Coach Clinton Propst. Not pictured are Tyler Major and Jackson Rieken.


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