Waterloo approves tax levy

The Waterloo City Council approved its probable tax levy for 2012, heard updates on various city projects, and awarded the final Good Neighbor Award of the year Monday night.

City finance director Shawn Kennedy said the probable tax levy proposed for 2012 (payable in 2013) is $1,138,400 — representing a 4.4 percent increase. Since it falls under five percent, no “Truth in Taxation” public hearing was required, she said.

Last year’s levy was $1,090,310.38.

The 2012 tax levy of $1,138,400 supports the library ($386,250), municipal band ($22,000), and police pension ($335,000), with  the remaining $395,150 going into the city’s general fund, Kennedy told the Republic-Times.

“The general fund budget is usually around $5.5 million if we don’t have any major road projects,” she said. “As you can see, (what) actually goes to the general fund is about seven percent of the total general fund budget, which supports city hall administration, police and streets.”

In other action, the council approved a final plat for the proposed new Dollar General store at the site of the former Diehl Florist property on Market Street. The new 9,100-square-foot store will double the size of the current Dollar General located at 650 N. Market Street upon its completion in early 2013.

During his report, public works director Tim Birk said work on Moore Street continues, and the removal of three underground fuel tanks on Third Street was completed successfully.

All tests associated with this project “came back OK,” Birk said.

Good Neigbor Award

Pictured, from left, Lenny and Kim Voelker receive the Good Neighbor Award from Waterloo Mayor Tom Smith. (Corey Saathoff photo)

For their support of the Francois family during a recent illness, and thoughtfulness in offering them rides to appointments, making home visits and assisting in household repairs, Lenny and Kim Voelker were presented the Good Neighbor Award.

“They are living examples of what makes a great neighbor in Waterloo,” Mayor Tom Smith said.

Marge Francois said she could not thank them enough for all the help they provided during her late husband’s battle with brain cancer.

“They are great neighbors, and great people,” she said.

Jointly sponsored by the City of Waterloo and Republic-Times newspaper, the Good Neighbor Award is presented quarterly to a Waterloo resident who has been nominated for a good deed. Winners are awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the mayor and city council, along with a gift certificate from JV’s Downtown Bar & Grill.

Visit the “Bulletin Board” section on the city website at www.waterloo.il.us to view and download a Good Neighbor Award nomination form.

Submissions may be dropped off at Waterloo City Hall or the Republic-Times office.


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