Tuesday injury crash in Columbia

Pictured is the crash scene on Tuesday morning.

Emergency personnel responded to a two-vehicle crash shortly before 10:10 a.m. Tuesday on Route 3 at North Main Street in Columbia.

The vehicles involved were a black Dodge van owned by a funeral home and driven by Erica Lenhardt, 24, of Macomb, and a black Volkswagen sedan driven by Janet Mitchell, 83, of Valmeyer. Mitchell was transported by Columbia EMS ambulance to Saint Louis University Hospital for treatment of unspecified injuries.

Initial reports indicate the van was traveling south on Route 3 and the Volkswagen was turning left onto Sand Bank Road from northbound Route 3.

Assisting EMS at the scene were Columbia police and the Columbia Fire Department.

Traffic on Route 3 southbound was backed up temporarily as first responders handled the incident.


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