Theft, battery charges for local man

A local man accused of theft had charges added to the list after he allegedly injured a corrections officer last week.

Robert W. Stock, 45, of Waterloo, was charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors following a Nov. 6 incident during which Stock caused “great bodily harm” to a Monroe County corrections officer. The officer required medical transport and hospitalization due to Stock’s alleged actions.

Stock had been arrested for allegedly stealing a John Deere forklift and damaging a rental trailer leased by Keeley Construction in Monroe County, per court information. 

During his incarceration, Stock allegedly “refused to come through a cell door and place his hands through the chuck hole,” resulting in injury to the corrections officer.

Stock has also been charged in a separate incident Nov. 6, that being retail theft from Moto Mart, 409 Route 3, Waterloo.

Stock remains in detention at the Monroe County Jail pending a mental evaluation to determine his fitness to stand trial.


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