Tense situation Tuesday evening in Hecker

A man who fired a gun in his garage in Hecker following an argument with his spouse was detained by police during a tense situation early Tuesday evening.

The incident occurred shortly before 6:30 p.m. in the 300 block of South Main Street in Hecker.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department said it was dispatched along with Monroe County EMS to a residence for a welfare check.

While responding, deputies were informed that the caller had seen a man holding a gun, then heard a gun shot and believed someone had been shot.

Deputies arrived on scene and located a male individual who was in a detached garage holding a gun in his hand, MCSD Sgt. Justin Biggs said. Deputies contacted the individual and gave verbal commands for him to drop the gun.

“After a short time, the male individual complied to the commands and sat the gun down,” Biggs said. “However a short time later, the male individual started refusing the commands. With additional firearms being in close reach to the male individual along with not obeying orders, deputies deployed a Taser to assist in detaining the individual.” 

Biggs said that once the man was detained, deputies were able to determine no one had been shot, although shots were fired by the male individual prior to police. 

Several firearms were seized as evidence as well as for safe keeping as an investigation takes place. 

The male individual was transported to a hospital by EMS for evaluation. 

“The deputies on scene did an excellent job handling and de-escalating the situation that ended quickly and with no one being injured,” Biggs said.     


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