SUV stolen, others entered in Waterloo

Police are investigating after one vehicle was stolen and a few others were entered early Friday morning in the Country Club Hills subdivision in Waterloo.

Sometime between 2:30 and 3:30 a.m., a 2021 Volkswagen SUV that was unlocked with its keys inside was stolen from a property in that subdivision, police said.

Other unlocked vehicles were entered in that vicinity, with cash, a wallet and other items stolen.

The stolen SUV was recovered Friday morning in St. Louis, the Waterloo Police Department said. It is being processed for evidence.

The WPD posted on Facebook that it is seeking assistance from Country Club Hills residents.

“If you have cameras or happened to see anything suspicious around 2:30-3:30 a.m. (Friday), please let us know,” the Facebook post states. “Specifically, anyone walking around the neighborhood or a white Ford Explorer in the area.”


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