Sunday shed fire south of Waterloo

Waterloo Fire Department personnel work the scene of a shed fire Sunday afternoon south of Waterloo. (Alan Dooley photo)

The Waterloo Fire Department responded about 1:15 p.m. Sunday to a shed fire at 5906 State Route 3 south of Waterloo.


No injuries were reported in the incident.

Materials burning in a fire pit led to the fire, Waterloo Fire Chief Brett Wiegand said. The materials lit some grass, leaves and a tree before spreading to an old smokehouse attached to a pump house.  A nearby propane tank got hot enough to cause the check valve to engage, which then ignited and burned off some of its contents. Siding on the house, detached garage and pump house were all melted, along with power lines leading to those structures, Wiegand said.

The fire was extinguished, the propane tank was cooled down and surrounding buildings were determined to only have surface damage.

“As dry as the conditions were, we were fortunate the fire didn’t spread to the woods or surrounding buildings,” Wiegand said.


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