Sunday calls for WFD

Waterloo Fire Department personnel respond to a small gas leak at McDonalds on Sunday afternoon.

The Waterloo Fire Department responded to two separate calls on Sunday afternoon.

The first call was about 3 p.m. at McDonalds, 176 Marketplace Drive, for a small gas leak behind one of the grills. City utilities arrived on scene and shut off gas to the grill. The building was evacuated and the area was blocked off, with all other appliances turned off at McDonalds for precautionary reasons.  

Shortly before 4 p.m., the fire department responded to the 300 block of Front Street for a report of a cat stuck inside a wall.

“The cat was hiding in the floor joist and wouldn’t come out,” Waterloo Assistant Fire Chief Mike Lloyd said. “We spoke to the homeowner and they will try to coax the cat out with treats or food. He wasn’t stuck in there, he was just scared and hiding. I told them to contact a local vet to see if they have any ideas before cutting the floor open.”


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