StreamathonSTL small biz benefit April 10-11

A first-of-its-kind “Streamathon for St. Louis Small Businesses” takes place next Friday and Saturday, April 10-11, online at and via Facebook and other social media platforms.

Hosted by NexCore St.Louis, this 32-hour live streaming event will feature a “living room talent show,” plus social distancing entertainment, comedy routines, cooking demonstrations, trivia contests and more – all to benefit small and independent businesses in need of support during this ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

Viewers can donate throughout the event, which runs from 4 p.m. April 10 through midnight April 11, to help small and independent businesses throughout the entire St. Louis metro area – including Monroe County.

Performers, participants and businesses in need can submit information at and also join the Facebook group “StL Small Business Help Powered by NexCore.”

All funds raised throughout this Streamathon will support local organizations and will be awarded as $1,000 gifts per organization.

For more information, call 314-635-0500 or email


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