SPPCS switches to remote learning

Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic School in Waterloo has temporarily switched to remote learning due to a shortage of staff members and substitute teachers caused by the novel coronavirus.

“We feel that this decision is in the best interest of our school for the safety of our staff, families and students at this time,” SPPCS Principal Lori Matzenbacher wrote in an email to the school’s families. “Please understand that this decision did not come easy and that we have been extremely blessed to have been in session for the past twelve weeks of school. The school is in the process of being deeply cleaned and disinfected. During this time it is extremely important that everyone continues to communicate with me regarding positive test results, direct contacts and quarantines so that I can help to keep everyone safe and monitor if our target date to return to in person learning needs to be adjusted. Please continue to keep us all in your prayers as we navigate through this difficult time.”

Teachers took Monday to prepare remote materials, with students set to pick those up on Tuesday and start remote learning on Thursday.

The plan is for students to resume in-person instruction on Nov. 30.

Read more on this story in this week’s Republic-Times.

James Moss

James is an alumni of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville where he graduated summa cum laude with degrees in mass communications and applied communications studies. While in school, he interned at two newspapers and worked at a local grocery store to pay for his education. When not working for the Republic-Times, he enjoys watching movies, reading, playing video games and spending time with his friends.

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