Sponsor a photo contest with the R-T

A great way to step out of the box and get creative about marketing your brand is to run a photo contest with the Republic-Times. Use it as a way to interact, create something fun around your brand and engage new customers through the R-T’s many outlets.

By sponsoring a photo contest, your name would be attached to everything we talk about concerning the contest, because we will promote the contest in our newspaper, on our website, through social media and in our NewsFlash emails. We want people to participate, the more participation the better for us all!

Here is how a photo contest would work: We would call for people to submit their photos in conjunction with whatever contest you may want to run. Say you want to run a family photo contest just in time for the Christmas season, when people are sending out their Christmas cards.

We would ask people to send us their family photos and we would post them on our website. We would also encourage people to vote for their favorite photos by “liking” them and sharing them on their social media accounts. Those that have entered the contest will campaign on their own social media accounts as well in order to get the most votes. Thus, people are sharing on their own social media accounts, YOUR contest. Talk about a grass roots campaign!

But wait, there is more! In addition to the social media marketing and promotions through the R-T’s many outlets, you will also receive ad space on the R-T website. Your ad, including your logo and company’s sponsorship, will appear above the photos on both the RepublicTimes.net homepage and Lifestyles page promoting the contest. (I.e. The Advertiser’s Family Photo Contest ad.) Our in-house, award winning graphic artist Tammy Taylor would be happy to design your ad free of charge. We can also make fliers for you to hand out, post around town and in your own business to help promote your contest. If you have a website, we would be happy to give you our marketing material to post on your own site and social media accounts as well.

If you have any further questions or are interested in sponsoring a photo contest, contact our sales staff via email: Val Chism or Kermit Constantine
(618) 939.3814


The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper since 1890. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or visit the "Subscribe" page on this website.
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