‘Shop With A Cop’ helps needy kids

Pictured are all the area kids and police officers who were a part of this year’s Shop With A Cop Dec. 22. (Robyn Dexter photo)

The night of Dec. 22 marked the eighth year in a row the Dupo Police Department has taken efforts to ensure that needy area children have presents at Christmas.

Dupo police officer Kevin Smith, the coordinator of the event, said the effort started off with just five kids and $500, but has increased to include anywhere between 80 and 100 children each year.

“Over the years, our fundraisers have increased,” he said. “This year, about $13,000 will let us help a lot more kids.”

They hold a fun evening for the children, including a pizza party with bounce houses and pictures with Santa Claus at Bluffview Elementary in Dupo for a few hours before they all get on a bus to Walmart to do their shopping.

“We load all the kids up at about 6:15 p.m., and take them all to the Waterloo Walmart,” he said. “We do a little parade with all the police agencies, too.”

Smith said the program has gotten a lot of support from the community each year, and the evening is always well received.

This article and photo are featured in the Jan. 1 edition of the Republic-Times Newspaper.



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