Schimpf not seeking new term

State Sen. Paul Schimpf (R-Waterloo)

State Senator Paul Schimpf (R-Waterloo) announced Friday that he will not seek another term in office in 2020.

Schimpf, 48, was elected state senator in 2016.

“Although I am honored to represent the people of the 58th District in Springfield and enjoy serving as their state senator, I am unable to commit to serving an additional term that would start in 2021,” Schimpf stated in a Friday morning news release. “Therefore, I will not be a candidate for re-election in the upcoming campaign cycle. I will continue to serve as state senator and I am focused on making the remainder of my term as effective as possible for the people of Southern Illinois.”

There has been widespread speculation recently that Schimpf is being considered for appointment to a federal judgeship. Schimpf’s office has not offered comment on that speculation.


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