Rodeo girls make nationals

Two local young women competed June 7-11 at the Illinois High School Rodeo State Finals in Monticello. 

Payton Weber of Waterloo competed in barrels, pole bending, goat tying and cutting at the state finals.

She also placed sixth in  barrels, 15th in poles and 11th in goat tying at state.  

Annika Olson of Red Bud competed in barrels, goat tying and pole bending. 

 Olson placed first in barrels at the state finals and finished third overall for the season. She also finished as reserve champion all-around at state and will compete at nationals in both barrels and poles. 

She finished second in poles and seventh in goat tying at state. 

Olson, ranked the No. 6 cowgirl in the state, was awarded an ILHSRA Foundation Scholarship for her efforts.

Both compete July 16-22 at the National High School Rodeo in Gillette, Wy.

Both will venture over 16 hours with horses as first-generation rodeo kids.  At nationals, each girl will compete in their event twice in an attempt to qualify in the top 20. 

Olson has already signed with the Three Rivers College rodeo team in Poplar Bluff, Mo.


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