Retired CPD K9 passes away


With great sadness, the Columbia Police Department announced the passing of recently retired K9 Daggo on Friday.  

He passed away peacefully following an aggressive form of cancer and was surrounded by his family.

Daggo served the CPD with his partner Sgt. Zack Hopkins, from 2013-2022.  

During his eight years of patrol service, the CPD said Daggo was deployed to numerous pursuits, fleeing subjects, traffic stops, narcotic finds, tracks and missing person cases. 

“With his mere presence, ferocious bark and unwavering loyalty, Daggo reduced the risk of harm to officers and to the public,” the CPD said in a statement. “Though he swayed his patrol car with a deafening bark and attacked a bite sleeve with ferocity, he was best known for his gentle nature and love of people. Daggo served as a law enforcement ambassador and spent hundreds of hours at community outreach events, at schools with children, and even at times providing comfort to those in distress. Notably, Daggo’s favorite assignment was protecting the schools, where he was rewarded for his service with endless belly rubs and pats on the head from his biggest fans.

“Daggo lived to serve.  His loyalty and friendship were unwavering and his love was unconditional.  Daggo was a good boy and he will be missed.”  

Sgt. Hopkins extended a special thanks to all in the community who had supported Daggo with thoughts and prayers throughout his career and to Mueller Veterinarians, neighbors, comrades, and family members who provided love and support over the years.


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