Real Estate Transactions | Feb. 18-21

The location of real estate transactions with only the parcel number listed may be viewed be entering the number on the Monroe County GIS website ‘Parcel Viewer.’ All transactions may be viewed at the Monroe County Clerk’s Office during normal Monroe County Courthouse business hours.

Date: Feb. 18
Grantor: David B. Brightwell (deceased),
Deborah K. Cauley, Connie M. Lerch
Grantee: Dawn M. Leber, Jay A. Leber
Parcel: 10-04-300-004
Cost: $270,000

Date: Feb. 18
Grantor: Michael E. Bugie, Rachel F. Bugie,
Rachel F. Hazen
Grantee: Kristopher M. Kirmness, Bria N. Ozment
Address: 717 North Metter Avenue, Columbia
Cost: $200,000

Date: Feb. 20
Grantor: Reliance Bank, Simmons Bank
Grantee: Halifax Property LLC
Address: 111 East Halifax Drive, Waterloo
Cost: $71,500

Date: Feb. 20
Grantor: Merle Wischmeier
Grantee: Gavin L. Spytek
Address: 720 Park Street, Waterloo
Cost: $92,500

Date: Feb. 20
Grantor: ACC Investments LLC
Grantee: MJH Rental and Storage LLC
Address: 306 Walnut Street, Waterloo
Cost: $145,000

Date: Feb. 21
Grantor: Bridget J. Marshall, Justin D. Marshall
Grantee: Austin L. Kern
Address: 8405 Gilmore Lake Road, Columbia
Cost: $235,000


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