Random thoughts about breakfast | Mark’s Remarks
Some mornings, some of us are a little crabby. I won’t tell you who is who.
If cereal is not an option, we might have cinnamon toast or a frozen waffle. Donuts are served on special days like birthdays or even the first day of school. There are some mornings when the cook has not stocked the pantry or the fridge. Sometimes, this works to the advantage of those who like variety in their morning meal.
If we are out of milk, toast or something else besides cereal is a forced option. If we are out of bread, we have sometimes smashed hamburger buns and toast them so that they resemble an English muffin. More than once, we have chucked all originality and taken the whole brood out for breakfast. This is rare, though.
My brother and I used to have the same routine. It was usually a bowl of cereal and two pieces of buttered toast with a dollop of jelly. After that, we’d sit and eat while we read the back of the cereal box. I don’t remember what was on the box, but it was interesting enough to be read each morning until the box was empty.
Long ago, I remember having to eat oatmeal for breakfast (something I didn’t like at the time). My mother was not a bad person and I’m sure she just thought oatmeal would “stick to my ribs.” To me, it was torture, and I think she finally decided I wasn’t going to learn to like it no matter how much it was presented to me.
Oh, and have you noticed that cereal boxes aren’t as full as they used to be (neither are potato chip bags or really a bag of box or anything)? My two teenage sons can make a box of cereal disappear pretty fast, much to the chagrin of the girls.
At this point in my life, breakfast is a checklist item. It’s something I need, but it’s usually a quick thing. Coffee is a must. Usually I grab a slice of toast slathered with peanut butter and stick a sliced banana in there. I fold it up and I’m good to go. Elvis would be proud.
On days when I’m trying to eat healthy (this usually always starts on a Monday, right?), I try to take extra time and make a serving of egg whites with some salsa wrapped up in a tortilla.
Sometimes, I eat it right out of the pan. On days when I am punishing myself for overeating, I have eaten a couple of hardboiled eggs with salt and a cup of black coffee, followed by a bunch of water. My willpower usually checks out by Wednesday and I’m back to the peanut butter and banana.
Somehow that combo is the one thing that sticks with me ’til lunch.
Do you ever have an unexpected morning when you find yourself with time to spare? I’m talking about a snow day or a morning when something was canceled. I like to whip up pancakes for everybody. I prefer my pancakes rather thin, but most of my family likes the big fluffy kind. Michelle makes this great berry/fruit sauce that is even better than the butter/syrup mixture I’m used to. Besides, it’s a bit healthier.
Of course, my favorite treat is breakfast out at a good “sit down” place. Even better is brunch about 10:30 a.m. If you eat enough, you can even skip lunch. We just had a spectacular brunch when we were on vacation.
You know, the type of place where you wish you could just keep eating and not get full?
Remember watching the cereal commercials when we were kids? I always wanted to have the same spread the kids in the commercials had. You know, a glass of milk, a little glass of orange juice, toast with the little pad of butter, Rice Krispies that never went soggy, fantastic toy at the bottom of the box. My breakfast never quite looked like that. Did yours?