Police looking for man following Thursday incident

Jeremy Davis

Columbia police are seeking assistance from the public in locating a wanted man following a Thursday morning incident that started in Waterloo and resulted in him eluding police near Dupo.

 Jeremy L. Davis, 36, of Waterloo, is wanted on charges of aggravated unlawful use of a stolen vehicle and felony driving while license revoked (third offense). It is believed Davis is currently living in St. Louis.

On Thursday morning, accompanied by two other suspects, Davis attempted to sell stolen construction equipment at Fuller Construction in Waterloo. The vehicles involved were a stolen white 2001 Ford F250 pickup with an attached trailer and a silver Lexus SUV with Missouri plates, which traveled north on Route 3.

Columbia Police Chief Joe Edwards said an officer attempted to stop the truck with trailer northbound on I-255. The truck pulled over, but then drove on the right median and through a fence before continuing south on Old State Route 3. The officer could not drive through the wet median, Edwards said, and had to go to the Dupo exit and come south on Old State Route 3.

Police soon located the abandoned truck off Imbs Station Road. Officers from Columbia, Dupo, the St. Clair and Monroe County Sheriff’s Department and Metro East Auto Theft Task Force searched the area but did not locate the three suspects. The Lexus SUV had apparently followed the stolen truck and picked up those who fled from the stolen truck, police said.

“Davis is aware that he is a wanted fugitive, which our department believes makes him a greater danger to the public,” Edwards stated in a news release issued Monday morning. “Davis has already fled from police officers and endangered the safety of the public.  When detectives made contact with Davis over the phone, he said he would turn himself in to the police. As of today’s date, Davis has yet to do this.”

Anyone with knowledge of Davis’ whereabouts is asked to contact the Columbia Police Department at 281-5151. Bond for Davis has been set at $50,000.

Corey Saathoff

Corey is the editor of the Republic-Times. He has worked at the newspaper since 2004, and currently resides in Columbia. He is also the principal singer-songwriter and plays guitar in St. Louis area country-rock band The Trophy Mules.
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