Police Blotter | 4/22/2015

(Editor’s note: All information in this report is gathered directly from area police agencies, county courts and emergency radio dispatch. The public is reminded that defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.)

Columbia Police
April 10
Ashley Frazier, 25, of Dupo, was arrested for DUI and improper passing on the shoulder.
April 18
Dennis A. Bayens, 23, of St. Louis, was arrested for DUI, illegal transportation of alcohol and possession of cannabis near Admiral Parkway at Wedgewood. Also arrested in the incident was Dane V. O’Keefe, 23, of St. Peters, Mo., for possession of drug paraphernalia and illegal transportation of alcohol.
April 19
Grant M. Kriese, 18, of Arnold, Mo., was arrested for DUI, illegal transportation of alcohol, unlawful use of weapons and resisting a peace officer on I-255 westbound.
April 20
Police are seeking assistance from the public following the reported theft of wheels and rims from two vehicles on the Bob Brockland auto dealership lot in the 500 block of Old State Route 3. An Illinois State Police crime scene unit was called in to assist in the investigation. Anyone who may have witnessed suspicious activity on the Brockland lot between 1:30 and 2 a.m. Monday is asked to contact the Columbia Police Department at 281-5151.

Monroe County Sheriff
April 17
Andrew Shaffer, 29, of Shiloh, was arrested on an in-state warrant.
April 19
Deputies handled a one-car vehicle crash about one mile east of Waterloo on Route 156 around 4 p.m. No serious injuries were reported.

Waterloo Police
April 15
Craig S. Dietz, 48, of Waterloo, was arrested for DUI and subsequently charged with felony possession of cannabis with intent to deliver (10 to 30 grams) following an incident on Hamacher Street near Mystic Oak golf course. A Waterloo police officer was traveling westbound when he encountered an eastbound truck driving in the westbound lanes. The officer was forced to drive off the roadway to avoid a collision with Dietz’s truck, police said. Once the truck was stopped, the new Monroe County Sheriff’s Department K-9 unit conducted a search of the vehicle and detected the presence of drugs. Several thousands of dollars in cash were also recovered during the stop. The truck and all of its contents were seized by police. Dietz posted bond and was released from county jail.
April 17
Officers responded to a residence on Walnut Street about 3 p.m. after a side door was reported to have been kicked in. Police determined that no entry had been gained into the residence.


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