Piranhas rule the pool

Kendall Vest

The undefeated season continues for the Waterloo Piranhas swim club. 

The Piranhas posted a narrow 238-222 win in their final conference meet of the season against the rival Columbia Hurricanes on Saturday at Columbia Bath & Tennis Club.

Kendall Vest, 15, placed first in both of her individual and relay events for Waterloo.

On July 10, the Piranhas hosted the Greenville Clippers at the Monroe County YMCA, with Waterloo winning 428-114.

Kendall Vest was among the top swimmers again for the Piranhas. Other top swimmers on this day for Waterloo included, Eli Wiemerslage, Everett Darr, Kendall Vest, Joshua Rolland and Peyton Vest.

The Piranhas will host the Kaskaskia League Conference Meet scheduled for this Saturday morning. Since Waterloo does not have a pool large enough for this meet, it rented Sparta Municipal Pool.  

The Piranhas plan to host their annual awards banquet, highlighting numerous record breakers for the year, high points and perfect attendance, among other awards at Hecker Community Center this Sunday. 

Their hope is to be celebrating another conference championship.


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