All In The Nest | Mark’s Remarks
We often hear about animals being agitated and fretting when their young are in danger, or even when they aren’t close by. The mother duck squawks and quacks away…
Being a Servant | Mark’s Remarks
The Bible says plenty about being a servant of God. We are called to be servants, to give of ourselves and our talents. We are called to do God’s work.…
On This Day… | Mark’s Remarks
On July 19, 1967, the first air-conditioned subway car started rolling in New York City. Amazing. I wonder what the ride was like before that? I’ve never ridden a New…
The Great Plant Sale and Getting Shamed | Mark’s Remarks
Every year, I go to The Great Plant Sale. It’s a closeout type sale, with customers being allowed to shove a cart full of plants for a discount price. It’s…
Rivalry clashes on the baseball diamond
Last week’s high school baseball schedule featured a number of local rivalry clashes as the diamonds remained dry enough for teams to get their seasons back on track. Gibault was…
Pirates ready to set sail this spring
The Valmeyer High School baseball team enjoyed a historic 2016, winning the program’s first regional title in 45 years. Now that the Pirates have had a taste of success, they…
Waterloo woman’s death under investigation
The Waterloo Police Department and Monroe County Coroner’s Office are investigating the death of a 30-year-old woman that occurred late Thursday afternoon. The victim was identified by deputy coroner Bob…
Gibault: 50 years of innovative education
Gibault Catholic High School’s name comes from Father Pierre Gibault because of his influence on the southern Illinois region in the late 1700s. However, Gibault’s 50-year legacy comes from students,…
Celebrating 50 years of Mon-Clair League baseball
The Mon-Clair Baseball League capped off its 50th season this past weekend with the first-ever playoff championship for the St. Louis Printers. The Printers topped the St. Louis Spikes in…
Pokémon Mania | Planet Ryan
Not more than a day or two after Niantic – the relatively unknown mobile game developer – launched what would instantly become the worldwide sensation known as Pokémon Go, I…