Paden Schultz | Obituary

Paden Schultz died suddenly on Monday, Jan. 30, 2023, just shy of his 20th birthday, which would have been Sunday, Feb. 5. 

“Gone, but never forgotten, Paden, we’ll always treasure the brief time we had with you.”

Paden was a 2021 graduate of Gibault Catholic High School. He was heavily involved in numerous activities in high school: Theater, Actor’s Attic, drama, improv, track, cross country (MVP Award), Scope, choir (Liturgical, Concert), band (Jazz, Concert, Pep), art (received multiple awards), was involved in the March for Life, Students for Life, Math Team, Scholar Bowl, Young Professionals, Student Activities Board, Yearbook and Critique Club. He painted a mural in the principal’s office, and he also helped paint numerous parking spots for faculty. He was the recipient of the Bishop’s Discipleship Award in 2021.

At the time of his death, Paden was a sophomore at SIU Carbondale, “Go Salukis,” with a major in Zoology. He was wanting to work with tiger rescue. While at SIU, he was a member of the Marching Salukis, Pep Band, Dawg Pound, Baking Club (which he organized), TRiO, and he had recently joined the Rock-Climbing Club. Paden was on the Saluki’s new student orientation team, along with being a member and mentor in Saluki Summer Bridge program.

Paden is a member of Belleville Boy Scout Troop 9 and Sea Scout Ship 9. His Eagle Scout project was the reopening of the Turtle Bob hiking trail at the World Bird Sanctuary in St. Louis. Over 150 hours working outside in January weather over three weekends. He had so much support from his Troop and Ship. He was also a member of the Order of the Arrow. He attended the 2017 National Jamboree. He earned a spot in the Koch Classic with his Ship, which unfortunately was canceled due to COVID.

Paden volunteered so much of his time. He worked with Sherri at Morrison Talbot Library, Monroe County House of Neighborly Service, and the Lions Club Thanksgiving meal for many years.

Paden truly was a blessing and a light to all of those that he came in contact with. Anyone that he befriended would become family to him. He was so generous and kind to everyone. If you were struggling and needed help, he was right there to help. Despite injuries and health issues, there was never an obstacle that he couldn’t overcome. His energy, smile and laughter was very contagious. The loss of Paden has left many people with holes in their hearts. His best life lesson for others was “Don’t be afraid to stand out.” He loved the quote, “You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.”

He is survived in death by his mother Crystal (Meyers) Schultz and grandmother Cathy Taylor (they were a family unit); grandparents Mark and Anne Elizabeth Meyers and grandfather Tom Lenga; uncle Mark Meyers; and great-grandma Elizabeth DeBaere. He was very close to his great aunt Rose Mary Mathers. He has an uncle, great aunts and uncle, cousins, and of course his Gibault, Scouting and Salukis family.

He is preceded in death by his great-grandpa Jim DeBaere, great uncle David Mathers and great uncle Larry Taylor.

Visitation is 3-8 p.m. Feb. 7 and 9-10:30 a.m. Feb. 8 at Quernheim Funeral Home in Waterloo.

Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Feb. 8 at Ss. Peter & Paul Church in Waterloo with Rev. Sebastian Ukoh, C.M. officiating.

Due to the unexpected death of Paden the family is asking for financial assistance with funeral in lieu of flowers. Due to  his love of tigers, donations can also be made to the Crown Ridge Tiger Sanctuary.


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