Not guilty plea in Dupo shooting death

Kingston Todd

A teen accused of murder in the Feb. 3 shooting death of 37-year-old Cody Rhodes in Dupo appeared in court Friday afternoon in St. Clair County. 

Kingston Todd was present for his arraignment, attending court in a wheelchair after being transported from the juvenile detention center. The 16-year-old – being tried as an adult – pleaded not guilty Friday to charges of first degree murder, possession of a firearm without FOID and forgery for attempting to defraud. 

Todd was also shot and injured during the altercation.

Bryce Rhodes, Cody’s 18-year-old son, faces charges of unlawful sale of a firearm, possession of a firearm without FOID and obstructing justice in connection with this incident. 

Bryce is scheduled to appear in court at 10 a.m. Friday on those charges.

Another 15-year-old suspect from Belleville who remains unnamed at this time also faces charges for first degree murder, unlawful possession of a firearm without FOID and aggravated discharge of a firearm in connection to the same incident.

According to police, the three individuals charged in this case were involved in an illegal firearm sale at 111 N. 2nd Street, the site of the shooting. 

The 15- and 16-year-old suspects attempted to purchase a firearm with counterfeit money and in the process, brandished additional firearms that led to gunfire, ultimately resulting in the death of Cody.


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