Noah David Mills | Birth Announcement

Noah David Mills

Noah David Mills

Joni and Justin Mills of st. Louis announce the birth of their son, Noah David Mills.

He was born June 8, 2016, at 12:01 a.m., at Mercy Hospital, St. Louis. He weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 20 inches long.

His maternal grandparents are the late David Prange of Waterloo, Charlotte Bahr of Waterloo, and step-grandfather Danny Sitzes of St. Louis.

Paternal grandparents are David and Judy Mills of St. Louis and the late Kathleen Mills of St. Louis.

His maternal great-grandparents are the late Elmer and Imogene Prange of Waterloo and Joseph and Mary Bahr of Waterloo.

Paternal great-grandparents are the late Robert and Myrtle Bastain of St. Louis, Violet Bastain of St. Charles, Mo., and the late Lacy and Blanche Mills of Lashmeet, W.V.


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