New group promotes healthy habits for moms

A local chapter to a group that has been garnering attention worldwide has been formed to help promote healthy habits for mothers.

Jamie Matthews heard about the No Excuse Mom movement last year when a photo with the caption “What’s your excuse?” created a viral reaction.

The international non-profit organization was founded by Maria Kang and works to connect mothers in communities to share success stories, recipe tips, exercise advice, budgeting ideas and more.

In the first six months of the group’s existence, there were more than 300 groups in 25 countries.

The goal of the group is to encourage health, friendship and community, and provides workouts, healthy eating information and motivation.

Matthews wanted to start a local chapter because, though she is a mother of three little ones, she still wanted to promote health.

They plan to meet every Saturday at the Monroe County Annex in Waterloo from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. for a group workout.

Their first meeting was this past Saturday, and Matthews hopes attendance will grow.

“It’s going to take time to build, but I know we have great potential here,” she said.

Matthews said her journey with the group started by following founder Kang on Facebook and Instagram and being impressed by the energy in her community.

“Having kids is often an excuse for not working out or being healthy,” Matthews said. “But this is a place where moms and kids can all be together, and the moms can get a workout.”

Matthews said although this time of year can be difficult to drum up interest, she hopes to use New Year’s resolutions as a way to bring people in.

She’s started a group on Facebook and has been talking to friends. She plans to put fliers up in the spring.

“I really want to get more people involved,” she said. “I’d love to have 10 people at each workout.”

Matthews looks forward to setting group goals.

“It’s about working together and not feeling intimidated,” she said.

Each meeting consists of talking about goals and challenges and then working out.

“I’ve gone through nutrition training and I’m a certified health coach, so I can help give suggestions,” she said. “I just want to help people with their goals, lifestyle-wise.”

The group is free, and participants are encouraged to bring their children to the meetings. Participants do not have to be a mom to come to meetings.

“All fitness levels are welcome,” she said. “We just want to help people be healthy. The support is here.”

To learn more about the national group, visit To join the Waterloo group, email Matthews at or search “No Excuse Mom Waterloo, IL” on Facebook.


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