Motorist strikes vaccine clinic workers

A Missouri man was charged with felonies after the SUV he was driving struck two men who were directing traffic Monday afternoon at the entrance to the Monroe County Fairgrounds in Waterloo for a COVID vaccine clinic.

Mark A. Raborn, 62, of Sullivan, Mo., was charged with three counts of aggravated battery in the incident. Court information alleges that Raborn hit Monroe County Emergency Management Agency officials Ryan Weber and Kevin Scheibe with his vehicle. The two were overseeing traffic at the east and west entrances of the fairgrounds along Route 156 as vehicles were lining up for the clinic when the westbound SUV driven by Raborn brushed past them.

“We are both OK,” Weber told the Republic-Times on Wednesday. “We have some bruises.”

The license plate on Raborn’s vehicle was called into police, who were able to locate it west of Waterloo a short time later.

Bond for Raborn was set at $50,000.


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