More trouble for KB Contracting

Another set of ordinance violations were issued against KB Development Group LLC of Waterloo – this time by Monroe County officials. 

Five citations were issued against the company on Sept. 12 for a project in the 2400 block of G Road in Fults.

Per court information, KB Contracting & Design is alleged to have begun a “total remodel” of a house without obtaining required building permits, allowing residence on a property “without final certification of zoning compliance,” continuing work after a “stop work order” was issued and performing plumbing and electrical work without required permits.

In July, KB Contracting was issued citations from the City of Waterloo for continuing work at the former Ahne’s Bakery building, 201 W. Mill Street, after a stop work order had been posted.

Monroe County real estate records show that KB Development Group LLC officially purchased the bakery building from Jeff Ahne for $150,000. 

Earlier this year, KB Contracting owner Mike Thomas pled guilty to Waterloo city ordinance violations issued after allowing occupants at 121 S. Main Street – the upper level of Shorty’s Smokehouse formerly known as City Hotel – without obtaining required occupancy permits. 

Thomas was fined $1,020 as a result, with part of the judgment requiring he “not violate any other laws or ordinances.”


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