Monroe County included in St. Louis’ 250th Birthday campaign

St. Louisans are currently voting for their favorite local spots as a part of stl250’s Cakeway to the West campaign, in honor of the city’s 250th birthday, and Monroe County is in the running.

Stl250 is placing 250 fiberglass birthday cakes at iconic locations throughout the 15-county St. Louis region and the public is voting — through Jan. 3 — on where the first 50 should go. Each cake will be activated with a social media app that shares information about the location and awards app users points for visiting the cake.  It is an opportunity to raise visibility about each location’s history, services and St. Louis stories.

The Monroe County Courthouse has already been awarded as one of the stl250’s Cakeway destinations but through the efforts of Monroe County Commissioner Delbert Wittenauer and others, the Monroe County Welcome Center is now in the running as another Cakeway spot in the campaign.

The county is calling for the community to help out and vote for the “Monroe County Welcome Center” at this link here:

Wittenauer stresses that there is no need for people to vote for the Monroe County Courthouse, as it has already been chosen as a Cakeway destination.

“Congratulations are in order,” stl250 Associate Jeremy Goldmeier wrote in a press release addressed to the county. “With a flurry of write-in votes, you have successfully landed the Monroe County Welcome Center on the main ballot for stl250’s Cakeway to the West! It’s a testament to your love and dedication for this regional historic site, and we’re proud to see your campaign succeed! You’re our first write-in campaign from Illinois to make it onto the ballot.”

Goldmeier went on to state that people are allowed to vote once per day and that the reason why they “included write-ins in the voting was to allow passionate groups like yours to make their voices heard.”

To learn more about the stl250 Cakeway to the West campaign, you may click to read the press release here.


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