Monroe County EMA Corner | 2/14/2018

This month’s emergency management topic is developing a plan so you are prepared in the event of a disaster. 

When disaster strikes, your family and loved ones need to be prepared and ready. Below are some suggestions on how to prepare your home and family for any type of disaster:

1. Do you have a written plan and do you discuss it? Suggested plans should include: 

• How will you receive emergency alerts? Do you have an emergency notification radio? Are you aware Monroe County residents are eligible for “Code Red” emergency notifications for free? Call the Monroe County EMA office if interested. It is an excellent notification tool.

• What is your alternative shelter plan? Do you know where your closest alternative shelter is in case of a disaster?  Monroe County EMA has agreements with American Red Cross shelter areas throughout the county. 

• What is your evacuation route? Do you know how to get out if structures are damaged? Do you have tools in your home to assist in getting out? Have you practiced evacuation routes in your home?

• What is your family communication plan? Do you have all important contact numbers stored in your phone and on paper? Do you have alternative plans of communication? Cell phone service may be disrupted in the event of a disaster.  

2. Do you have a disaster preparedness kit? Basic disaster kits should include non-perishable foods, bottles of water, medications, lights, batteries, blankets, etc. Watch for future articles on disaster preparedness kit suggestions.

3. Do you practice your plan and discuss it? Once a month you should review and discuss your plan with family, loved ones, and/or neighbors.  

Let’s learn, prepare, and be ready together. Until next month, here are some facts you might find interesting. 

Did you know:

• That 48 percent of Americans lack emergency supplies for  use in the event of a disaster.

• More than half of parents do not have a designated meeting place in case of a disaster.

• That 42 percent of cell phone owners do not know all their immediate family members’ phone numbers.

• Monroe County residents can sign up for “Code Red” emergency notifications? Visit our Facebook page or call the Monroe County EMA office (939-8651, ext. 534) to register. It’s free and helps make you aware of any emergent event from severe weather to boil orders.

Next month’s topic is severe weather preparedness. Springtime is coming!


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