Monroe County Electric Co-Operative, Inc.

Today the cooperative maintains approximately 1,200 miles of distribution and transmission line to serve more than 7,000 accounts with dependable, electric power. Monroe County Electric Co-operative is a member of Touchstone Energy – an alliance of more than 730 local, consumer-owned electric utilities around the country. (Kermit Constantine photo)

Monroe County Electric Co-Operative’s mission is to provide reliable electric service at the most reasonable cost that it can and exists solely to serve its membership. The membership consists of individuals or entities owning homes, farms, businesses, or anything else requiring electrical service, that are located in the cooperative’s service area. This is the foundation of the cooperative which was organized June 2, 1938. By Oct. 20, 1939, they were serving 383 member-owners with 175 miles of line.

Today MCEC maintains approximately 1,208 miles of distribution and transmission line to serve more than 7,600 accounts with dependable, electric power.

Monroe County Electric Co-Operative is a member of Touchstone Energy – an alliance of more than 530 local, consumer-owned electric utilities around the country. Mon- roe County Electric Co-operative is committed to improving the quality of life of their member-owners based on four core principles: integrity, accountability, innovation and commitment to community. The co-op service territory covers much of Monroe County and parts of St. Clair and Randolph Counties.

For more information, visit the co-op’s website at


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