Monroe County COVID latest

As of mid-day Wednesday, Monroe County Health Department Administrator John Wagner said there are 92 active COVID-19 cases locally and four COVID-19-related hospitalizations.

The most recent hospitalization is an older female.

Wagner said while there have not been outbreaks in local schools, out of the 86 active cases the communicable disease nurse reported Wednesday morning, 38 were individuals under 19 years of age. He said there has been a slight increase in kids under 6 testing positive.

The Illinois Department of Public Health just included the county’s most recent known COVID death in its count. As previously reported, this death was Monroe County’s 97th.

At the most recent vaccine clinic last Thursday, roughly 45 shots were administered, some of which were third doses, Wagner said. 

He addressed confusion about this by confirming his health department administers these third doses for some immunocompromised individuals who meet conditions required to receive the third dose.

Wagner said it is important to note the difference between the terminology “third dose” and “booster dose.” 

“Third dose” refers to an additional vaccine dose the CDC recommends for “moderately to severely immunocompromised individuals.” The CDC estimates people who fall into this category make up about 3 percent of the U.S. adult population. 

“Booster doses” refer to an additional dose that will be available to the rest of the population at a later date. Wagner said he believes this will be later this month.

As of Wednesday, 51.22 percent of eligible Monroe County residents are fully vaccinated, per IDPH data. 

The Monroe County Health Department will host another COVID vaccine clinic from 9-11:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 9, at its office, 1315 Jamie Lane, Waterloo. 

Wagner said one may receive a third dose at this clinic if they qualify for medical reasons. Call or text 618-612-6404 or 618-340-4819.


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