Memorial Day Services in Monroe County

Although the roots of the holiday are murky, the practice of setting aside a day in May to remember and honor those who paid the ultimate price in military service to our country endures in traditional Memorial Day ceremonies across the nation and right here in Monroe County.

Here is a roundup of local Memorial Day services.

Waterloo, 2014

American Legion Post 747 and VFW Post 6504 in Waterloo invites the public to attend Memorial Day services at 11 a.m. Monday on the Monroe County Courthouse lawn.

Pat Gauen, public safety editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, will give the Memorial Day address, with patriotic musical selections performed by the Waterloo Municipal Band and the Barbershoppers will offer their rendition of The Lord’s Prayer.

In case of inclement weather, the service will be moved to the Waterloo VFW at 406 Veterans Drive.


Columbia, 2014

The Columbia American Legion will also host Memorial Day services at 11 a.m. Monday.

Longtime Immaculate Conception School Principal Mike Kish will serve as the featured speaker. He will talk about the end of the Civil War and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln 150 years ago.

The Belleville Community Band will perform a selection of patriotic songs including the Armed Forces Salute, and there will be a traditional laying of the wreath at the Doughboy Monument to conclude the ceremony.

The National Anthem will be sung by Immaculate Conception School student Katie Grawitch.


Hecker, 2014

The Memorial Day service in Hecker will begin at 10 a.m. at St. Augustine’s Cemetery. Elvis entertainer Steve Davis will provide music throughout the service.

The guest speaker is Retired U.S. Navy Commander Maureen Liefer.

The service will include a release of patriotic doves of peace, as well as a fly over of historic military aircraft, weather permitting.

Local high school students who recently enlisted in the armed forces will be recognized, and there will be a display of military memorabilia.

The Knights of Columbus, Cub Scout Pack 323 and a color guard unit from St. Louis will provide detail service.


Valmeyer, 2014

American Legion Post 901 and its Auxiliary will honor deceased members and all veterans with Memorial Day services beginning at 10 a.m. at the post hall. The public is invited to attend.

The speaker will be Dustin Row of Columbia. He is a U.S. Army veteran and served in combat from 2004 to 2005 in the Iraq War.  He is a father, a musician, a city worker for Columbia and recently chartered a nonprofit organization that provides assistance to veterans, Songs4Soldiers.

Light refreshments and beverages will be served following the service.


Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Renault will host Memorial Day services starting at 10:30 a.m. Monday in the cemetery located on the church grounds. The public is encouraged to bring lawn chairs.

The Maeystown Fire Department will be providing a lunch following the service.

The Dupo American Legion Post 485will host Memorial Day services at 11 a.m., at the “triangle” on South Third Street in Dupo.

The public is invited to attend.

Andrea F.D. Saathoff

Andrea is a graduate of Gibault High School and the University of Missouri School of Journalism, the University of Missouri Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville College of Education. She lives in Columbia with her husband and their twin toddler sons. When she isn't cheering on St. Louis Cardinals baseball or riding the emotional roller coaster of Mizzou Tigers football, she enjoys attending and participating in the many family events the county has to offer. email:

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