Man arrested after fleeing Millstadt traffic stop

A young man was arrested for multiple felonies after fleeing a traffic stop attempt in Millstadt early Saturday morning.

Millstadt police said that shortly before 2:10 a.m., an officer attempted to stop a vehicle for disobeying a stop sign at Jefferson and Washington streets. The driver turned off the vehicle’s lights and fled. 

The vehicle disobeyed several stop signs in town, police said, then continued out of town on Kropp Road. The officer initially discontinued the pursuit, police said, until the vehicle came back into town on Route 158. The officer lost sight of the vehicle, but an assisting Smithton officer observed the subject run across Jefferson Street on East Adams. 

The Smithton officer engaged in a short foot pursuit and was able to apprehend the suspect in the 600 block of South Mulberry Street. The suspect was found to be in possession of a switchblade knife. 

The suspect, Presley S. Ryan, 18 of Collinsville, was charged in St. Clair County Circuit Court with two counts of aggravated fleeing (speeding at least 21 mph over speed limit, disobeying multiple traffic control devices) and one count of unlawful use of weapon (switchblade kinife).

His bond was set at $20,000.


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