LSVs legal in Columbia

A Columbia man who began a petition to make the question of allowing low speed vehicles (LSVs) in the city an advisory referendum on the November ballot has had his wish granted without a single vote cast.

As previously reported, John Roades was over halfway to his goal of 227 petition signatures required for a referendum which would ask voters to say whether or not they wanted use of LSVs to be allowed in Columbia, but it is now a moot point as Roades was recently told by city officials that LSV use had been deemed legal in the city upon further investigation.

Columbia City Administrator Doug Brimm confirmed the legality of LSVs in the city, pursuant to state statute 625 ILCS 5/11-1426.

“LSVs are legal in the State of Illinois; therefore, LSVs are legal in the City of Columbia,” Brimm said.

While the use of LSVs is now allowed in the city, Brimm pointed out there are a number of requirements and restrictions which accompany use of such vehicles.

First of all, LSVs are defined in the state statute as “any four-wheeled vehicle with a maximum speed greater than 20 miles per hour but not greater than 25 miles per hour that conforms with the federal motor vehicle safety standards.”

An LSV must also have a parking brake, windshield, seat belts, rear-view and side-view mirrors, headlights, tail lights and brake lights.

Furthermore, LSVs may only be used on streets where the posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour or lower.

Drivers must be licensed and vehicles must be insured and have proper display of registration.

Brimm also shared guidelines describing vehicles which are not legal for use in the city, specifically “motor vehicle(s) not specifically designed to be used on a public highway.”

The list includes all-terrain vehicles, golf carts, “off-highway” motorcycles and “recreational off-highway” vehicles.

A municipality does have the option to authorize the operation of such vehicles on streets within its jurisdiction if the local governing body “determines that the public safety will not be jeopardized.”

In Monroe County, the villages of Valmeyer and Hecker have passed ordinances which allow golf carts and other utility vehicles on certain streets once a permit is issued by the village.

A municipality also has the ability to allow LSVs on streets with a maximum speed limit of 35 miles per hour through passage of an ordinance or resolution.

The state statute in its entirety may be found at 

For more details about City of Columbia requirements for LSV use, call 618-281-7144.

Scott Woodsmall

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