Locals in JUCO baseball

Three Columbia High School graduates are members of the Lewis and Clark Community College baseball squad this spring. 

Alex Schreckenberg is hitting .326 with 15 RBIs in 15 games for the Trailblazers (10-7). Chase Schrader is 1-2 in three starts totaling seven and two-thirds innings pitched. Tyler Rosencrans is 0-1 in five and two-thirds innings pitched.

Another CHS grad playing at the junior college level this spring is Aidan Gaither at East Central College in Union, Mo. He’s hitting .371 with five RBIs in 12 games played for the Falcons (6-8).

Also playing at the junior college level this spring is Waterloo High School graduate Jack Roessler. He’s a freshman pitcher at Morton College in North Carolina. Roessler is 1-0 with a 0.00 ERA in two appearances totalling two and two-thirds innings.


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