Local veterinarian honored

Pictured, from left, Waterloo veterinarian Michelle Gundlach receives the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association’s 2023 Veterinary Service Award from ISVMA Board President Joanne Carlson.

The Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association presented its annual awards before membership at its recently held convention. 

The awards recognize Illinois veterinarian professionals who provide compassionate care with leading-edge medical practices for companion animals and livestock and who actions impact organized veterinary medicine in Illinois.

“Amazing things happen every day in veterinary clinics and hospitals across the state of Illinois,” said Joanne Carlson, DVM, Loving Care Animal Clinic in Palatine and ISVMA’s Immediate Past President. “Recognizing outstanding veterinary professional within the ranks of the ISVMA membership is always a privilege; they each exemplify the meaning of skilled veterinary knowledge coupled with experience and humane care.”

“The following award winners were nominated by their peers and selected by the ISVMA’s Nominations and Awards Committee,” Dr. Carlson said. “Understandably, to be selected for these awards is truly a statement of honor when your fellow veterinary professionals choose you to be recognized for the care you provide both animals and their human caretakers.”

Michelle Gundlach, DVM, currently practices in Waterloo. Gundlach spent several years in rural mixed animal practice and small animal clinical practice after graduating from the University of Illinois’ College of veterinary medicine as salutatorian in 1992.

She served three years as President of the Southern Illinois Veterinary Medical Association and seven years on the ISVMA Board of Directors. She also served in a staff position as Director of Education for the ISVMA.

A huge advocate for the recognition and promotion of Certified Veterinary Technicians, Gundlach wrote the ISVMA’s all-new three-hour course for veterinary doctors to better understand how to engage CVTs into areas of their training and expertise in efforts to create a better working environment in clinics and hospitals. Gundlach also helped rewrite the State of Illinois’ humane investigator training.

She hails from Waterloo and teaches CVT courses at nearby Jefferson College in Hillsboro, Mo.


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