Local chiropractors join forces

From left, Dr. Jennifer Kujawski, Dr. Colleen Miller and Dr. Katie Neff start seeing patients at Turning Point Wellness Center offices in Waterloo and Red Bud on Sept. 6. 

Three longtime local chiropractic physicians – Dr. Colleen (Stratton) Miller, Dr. Jennifer (Steinbaugh) Kujawski and Dr. Katie (Millang) Neff – hope their new wellness center will be a place where patients discover a “turning point in their health.”

Turning Point Wellness Center, which opened Sept. 6, is the new venture of the three female chiropractic physicians.

“Through holistic treatments like chiropractic care, acupuncture, and massage therapy, we can treat the whole body, before injuries and ailments occur,” Miller said.

“Recognizing the way chiropractic care positively impacts the whole body is a turning point in healthcare for many people,” Neff added.

Miller previously owned and operated Stratton Chiropractic and Family Health Center, where she and Neff saw patients in Red Bud and Waterloo.

Kujawski owned and operated Balanced Health Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Waterloo.

As of Sept. 6, all three chiropractic physicians and their team of staff will be part of Turning Point Wellness Center, with offices located in both former Stratton locations at 343 W. Fourth Street in Waterloo and 930 W. Market Street in Red Bud.

“We were all in the position professionally where we could combine forces to create this amazing opportunity for our patients,” Kujawksi said. 

Turning Point Wellness Center will not only offer chiropractic and acupuncture treatments, but also nutrition counseling, prenatal chiropractic care, infant cranial therapy, massage therapy, allergy testing and more. The emphasis is on compassionate, responsive treatment plans that help patients achieve optimal health and wellness.

For  more information, call 618-939-5585 or 618-282-3900 or visit turningpointwc.com.


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