Live from New York… | Mark’s Remarks

Is anyone else wondering why Saturday Night Live isn’t having a heyday?  I mean, they have one of the best opportunities to capitalize on the comedy coming out of our nation’s capital, and there seems to be nothing but radio silence.

As far back as I can remember, the players on SNL have had fun lampooning and poking fun at political figures. Talk shows have done it as well.

I mean, did you not think Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of President Trump was hysterical? Sure, I know that nobody liked the guy, but it has to be almost a twisted honor to have yourself parodied in such a way.

I’d almost bet you Trump enjoyed it a little bit.

Remember when Dana Carvey portrayed George H.W. Bush? “Not gonna do it.  Points of light.” You know, all the catchphrases?  GHW himself came on the show or another program and appeared right alongside Carvey. A good sport.

Then there was the time Carvey played Ross Perot and appeared on a sketch from “The Larry King Live” show. He’d appear with a wad of money and announce he was quitting the presidential race, only to appear on camera again in a few seconds and say in his southern twang, “I’m back in Larry. And there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it.” Hilarious.

George W. Bush was equally honored and amused when Will Ferrell played him. My favorite was when he came onstage after President Trump had been elected, smoking a cigarette, and asked the audience “How’d ya like me now?”

Even the highly revered and classy persona of President Obama was lampooned somewhat in several skits. It was well done, and audiences found it hilarious.

So why don’t we have some material based on the current administration? I mean, come on. There have to be comedians and funny people all over the place with skits and jokes out the ying-yang.  

I mean, the struggles with teleprompters and public speaking alone could provide enough fodder for an hour-long special.

Furthermore, what about our madam VP with that nervous, annoying laugh at highly inappropriate times?  Everyone is just letting her get away with it.  I’m thinking of some funny scenarios for talk show hosts right now, and I’m not really a writer.

Hee hee.  See what I did there?

I don’t think the folks in this administration are bad, terrible people. I have my opinions, of course. But shouldn’t they both have the honor of getting made fun of like the rest of the commanders-in-chiefs and their cronies? Am I the only one who thinks this?

Maybe all the former chiefs and actors who played them could come back and perform some sort of initiation skit, letting the world know it was OK to poke fun.  Couldn’t there be some sort of good-natured edict announced by Dana Carvey or Chevy Chase?  Maybe even Alec Baldwin could support the cause.  Wouldn’t that be a funny skit?

Sure, plenty of people have played both sir and madam in a few skits, but there’s been little to none of the biting humor we are used to.  Furthermore, most of the portrayals and funny stuff was before the election.  

The Los Angeles Times even commented that there isn’t much material available to make fun of. For real?

Is there some sort of code or unwritten law? I mean, the fact people can’t publicly share their opinions or make mistakes without ruining their lives/careers has been a given for a few years now.  Suddenly, even our First Amendment rights are being leaned on a bit.  

But there’s no law against good, old-fashioned comedy is there?

I still think, for the sake of all things funny, that someone should do something. And then we could all sit back and laugh right along with the VP.

For an appropriate reason this time.

Mark Tullis

Mark is a 25-year veteran teacher teaching in Columbia. Originally from Fairfield, Mark is married with four children. He enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with his family, and has been involved in various aspects of professional and community theater for many years and enjoys appearing in local productions. Mark has also written a "slice of life" style column for the Republic-Times since 2007.
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