Keeping softball alive at Power Haus

Pictured is a group of senior softball players following Thursday’s indoor pickup game at Power Haus Sports north of Waterloo. Lenny Suess, manager of the Senior Redbirds, is kneeling at far right. (Corey Saathoff photo)

Several longtime slow pitch softball players gather on Thursday mornings at Power Haus Sports to stay in shape for the summer, make friends and share a common love for the game.

“We’re keeping slow pitch softball alive in St. Louis,” said Lenny Suess, 78, of Troy.

Suess and the others are members of St. Louis Association Metro Seniors Softball, which is made up of six teams according to age group.

Suess serves as manager of SLAMSS’ Senior Redbirds, which is for players ages 75 and above.

During the summer, the Senior Redbirds travel to out-of-state tournaments in Indiana, Ohio, Georgia, Florida and elsewhere. Suess said the teams made up of players in their 50s and 60s keep a more vigorous schedule.

“We meet teams from all over,” Suess said. “It’s great. We’ve gained a lot of new friends.”

To prepare for the summer season, a group of 12 or so seniors play a pickup softball game inside Power Haus Sports, located at 8719 Hanover Industrial Drive just north of Waterloo, every Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon.

Power Haus charges a flat rate of $120 for the group, with players typically chipping in $10 each.

Suess said anyone interested in joining the group on Thursdays is more than welcome to take the field. The indoor games run through March.

“Come on up,” Suess said.

For more information about the Thursday pickup games, or about joining a SLAMSS team, call Suess at 618-791-1380.

“We just love the game,” Suess told the Republic-Times. “You only get old if you don’t play ball. You play ball to stay young.

“There’s a lot of kid in us yet.”

Corey Saathoff

Corey is the editor of the Republic-Times. He has worked at the newspaper since 2004, and currently resides in Columbia. He is also the principal singer-songwriter and plays guitar in St. Louis area country-rock band The Trophy Mules.
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