JV’s Downtown Bar & Grill

Jeff Vogt, owner of JV’s Downtown Bar & Grill, stands by his new adventure of gambling (above).The machines offer multiple games of chance for those over 21 years. Jeff and his wife Denise have been the proud owners of JV’s since 1985. JV’s is located in the old Schorr Brewery Building on 117 North Main Street Waterloo. Jeff employees 20 to make sure you get fast and friendly service. JV’s serves lunch and dinner specials everyday. Call 618-939-7127 for to-go orders.

JV’s Downtown Bar & Grill was the only business to win multiple awards in the Republic-Times Best of 2013 people’s choice awards. They won for Best Bar/Tavern of 2013 and Best BBQ or Wings of 2013. For more information on the award winning restaurant, visit jvsbarandgrill.com or find them on Facebook.


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