Injury crash near Red Bud

Emergency personnel responded about 12:35 p.m. Saturday to a two-vehicle crash with injuries on Route 159 just south of LL Road near Red Bud.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, Red Bud Fire Department, Monroe County EMS and MedStar Ambulance all responded to the scene.

Police said a 2016 Ford F150 driven by Austin D. Brothers, 23, of Red Bud, was traveling north on Route 159 when the driver looked down to set his cruise control and did not see a 2016 Chevy RV driven by Susan P. Miller, 76, of Red Bud, stopping in front of him. Miller was also driving north on Route 159 and stopped to turn into her driveway at 4331 Route 159 when the truck struck the rear of her vehicle.

Brothers reported minor injuries at the scene but declined medical transport. Miller was transported by Monroe County EMS to Mercy Hospital South in St. Louis County for neck and back pain.


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