I Know You Pray | Mark’s Remarks

We attended church always, but I particularly remember going to a country church where we had service and then went in the back for Sunday school.

When I was very small, believe it or not, the church did not have a restroom and still had outdoor facilities. No joke.  I don’t recall ever using them, but I remember when the restroom was put in.

The church was so small, you see. The pastor would be a “visiting” pastor, preaching at two churches, so I think he alternated weekends and someone else brought the message if he wasn’t there. We sang and prayed, and there was a big picture of Jesus hanging at the front of the church. I’m sure it’s still there.

Not long ago, I know country churches left their doors unlocked so people could go in and pray. I may visit again, just to see if that picture is still there. I’ll let you know.

Ever since those early days of Bible instruction, I’ve been a praying person. I’m not bragging or being sanctimonious.  It’s just the truth. I’m so thankful to have gotten “convicted” early on about the power of prayer. I knew the “Now I lay me down to sleep” prayer even though it was terrorizing to say “If I should die before I wake.”

However, I can remember feeling comfort from that, oddly enough.

In those days, I would have trouble falling asleep (which is hilarious to me now; I’m gone when I hit the pillow these days), and no matter what, I had a bedtime. I can remember having such a faith back then, knowing God was right there listening to whatever I was talking about. I’m so thankful for that.

I’m sure I lost some of that as I got older, but I have always felt I could go to God any time with anything. I also knew He wants us to come to Him. I mean, He knows us well, so why can’t we talk to Him about anything? We can’t hide anything from Him.

I’ve said before I’m not a good example always of what a Christian should be, but I do talk to others about praying.  I’ve prayed for folks and I’ve asked folks what they needed me to pray about.

Over the years, I’ve been approached by people who are going through a rough time or needing help with something.

“I thought I would tell you, because I know you pray.”

Sometimes the person asking you to pray is also a praying person. Sometimes, people asking you to pray don’t pray themselves.

I had an interesting conversation with a person not long ago.

“I don’t pray myself. It’s never worked for me. But I believe in it and I think God listens to some people who pray regularly.”

I’m not sure how I feel about that. I want to tell people that God is with them no matter what. He doesn’t pull the plug on your connection to Him. Just because you don’t feel that your prayers are being answered doesn’t mean God doesn’t hear you.

He often gives you what you need and you don’t even know you needed it. Try digging in and looking at past and present circumstances. If you look closely, you can probably see where prayer actually has worked.

I think of that old song that says “Oh what peace we often forfeit. All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.” It’s so true. Often, I will stop in the middle of a fuss and say “Why the heck am I not on my knees praying?”

It’s not always our nature to do it.

But oh, how I do believe, folks. I’ve seen prayers answered over and over, but not always in the way you’d want it to. Looking at the big picture, you can see answered prayers all around you, even if it wasn’t exactly what you wanted.

Give it a shot. Prayer works and God so wants to have fellowship and time with you in prayer.

Mark Tullis

Mark is a 25-year veteran teacher teaching in Columbia. Originally from Fairfield, Mark is married with four children. He enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with his family, and has been involved in various aspects of professional and community theater for many years and enjoys appearing in local productions. Mark has also written a "slice of life" style column for the Republic-Times since 2007.
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