I Can’t Believe It’s Been A Year Since I Didn’t Become A Better Person | Mark’s Remarks

Yes. It’s that time again.  Clean up, clean out, put everything away. Make a list of things you want to accomplish this year.

How about making a list, just for fun, of all the things you attempted to do that didn’t work out? Count how many pieces of workout equipment you’ve had and gotten rid of. Since 1990, I’ve had one weight machine, three sets of barbells, two treadmills, one stair climber, an ab roller, and various videos and DVDs with the latest workouts on them.

Now that’s funny. I can laugh so hard I feel like I’ve worked out. If I had all the money I spent or had the money all that stuff is valued at; well, I still wouldn’t have much money.

Some of my friends made a video on Thanksgiving about all the things that bug them.

Sure, they are thankful for lots of things, but just to be funny, they made a list of things they were tired of or things that really bugged them. Like loud talkers on cell phones and Sarah McLachlan singing on that public service announcement for donating to a pet rescue shelter.  I don’t think they are tired of trying to save pets, I just think they are tired of the heart-wrenching singing of Sarah.  Poor thing. But I just had to qualify that statement. My friends are not heartless people.

Let’s make a list of all the things I’ve tried to stop eating this year, only to start up again.  I really thought I’d kicked the sugar habit. I stopped. I lost the cravings and even forgot about sugar. I drank black coffee.  However, one day, I fell off the wagon. I didn’t even want sugar; I ate it anyway. As I write this, I’m giving it another go.  In a year, maybe I will report good results.

I think the trick is not to talk about it. I didn’t tell a soul I was on a diet and lasted about six weeks. I lost some weight and started feeling good. So, pretend you didn’t read any of this.

I will tell you one resolution I plan to stick to: I won’t be writing about politics anymore.

Even though I thought the column I wrote a few weeks ago was all about getting along and staying friends with those who disagreed with us, my column still angered some.

I got a couple of responses.  My use of words, especially “pro-abortion,” caused problems.

Point taken. I should have been more careful, and I see now “pro-choice” would have been a better term to use. I apologize to those I upset; this was not my intention. But I know what I know and believe what I believe; for that, I make no apologies. There’s much more I could say, but I resolve to stick to “slice of life” topics and lighter fare. No more politics for me. I told you I wasn’t sharp enough to write about such topics, anyway.

Things I hope to stick to this year?  Well, I want to do a better job at loving people. My family comes first, and I plan on spending a lot more time focusing on them. I will do much less running around. I’m going to say the word “no” a lot more this year. There will be much, much more hanging around the house getting things accomplished. There will be less worries about relaxing and being comfortable and more focus on getting the important things done, whether uncomfortable or not. I will continue to be less controlling and more understanding and will continue to find joy in people instead of fault.

My sarcastic and critical nature has got to go.

I want to continue my hunger for reading my Bible, and I’m not bragging about that.  It’s been a long time coming, and I hope everyone gets a desire to dive into that great book.

You won’t be sorry.

I’m worrying less about how I look and more about how I feel; about how healthy I am and how I plan to stick around as long as possible.

I’m spending less money, taking more walks and deep breaths. I’m working smarter, not harder. I’m caring less about what people think. I’m speaking up more.

OK, so there’s my list.  Bring it on, 2017.

Mark Tullis

Mark is a 25-year veteran teacher teaching in Columbia. Originally from Fairfield, Mark is married with four children. He enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with his family, and has been involved in various aspects of professional and community theater for many years and enjoys appearing in local productions. Mark has also written a "slice of life" style column for the Republic-Times since 2007.
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